To the Strongest! Ancient and Medieval rules - Quick Reference Sheets v1.1e Physical Edition
This is a plastic laminated version of the Quick Reference Sheets from the "To the Strongest!" ancient and medieval wargaming rulebook. Version 1.1d includes:
21/5/21 - Upgraded to version 1.1e. Includes various minor changes. Removes the extra cost of heroic generals and the victory points for scythed chariots, some changes to unit costs.24/6/20 - Changes to the melee save modifier for camels and the revised move and shoot activation for LI javelin. I have also removed the penalty that applies when rallying units that can be charged by enemy units.
13/1/19 - a few more changes of wording to improve clarity. One material change- hoplites now get the +1 that spearmen and pikemen get when charged frontally by mounted, in line with the rules text.
10/1/19 - an important update to the sheet- the expanded save modifiers are now very much easier to use, and include a missing save for elephants vs. mounted. Redundant lines (i.e. demoralisation) have been removed.
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