New Later Muslim Indian list published October 30 2019
Elephants, sir? How many would you like?
It's in "Across the Indus".
Indo-Skythian army list published! October 24 2019
It's in "Across the Indus." Enjoy!More new lists! October 18 2019
I've just added a new Western Frankish list in "Early Medieval", and a Kyrenean Greek list in "Frogs about a Pond" and a new Low Countries list in "Later Medieval" -there are also quite a few edits to other lists in these booklets.New army lists published October 01 2019
I've recently added several new army lists. Please look out for the new Mercenary Greek list in "Frogs about a Pond" (Xenophon, anyone?), Hephthalite (White Huns) in "Across the Indus" and Old and Middle Kingdom Egyptian in "Cradle of Civilization."
New "Across the Indus!" army lists published! May 09 2019
I'm pleased to announce that chum Justin Vorhis has written some great new Indian and Hindu Kush lists, which I've edited, and we've created a whole new booklet of lists covering the sub-continent up to c500 CE. We'll add to it, later. You can find it here; enjoy!
Spanking new River-Tracks from Flatpack Forces! March 22 2019
I'm really delighted to announce a tie-up with Andrew Fielden of Flatpack Forces who has introduced the first of a range of new terrain products that will enhance the look of our battlefields. The first product, River-Track, comes in packs of either 120cm of straights, 180-degrees of curves, or crossroads, all 7cm wide. Printed on MDF using a new technology, it is, excitingly, reversible, with a photo-realistic track on one side, and a river (with stunning ripples) upon the other. Double bubble! The pieces link together in a jigsaw arrangement and are light, hard-wearing and easy to store.
River-Track is designed to fit the 15cm grid, but can be used with 20cm or larger grids or, of course, with non-gridded terrain. These are plenty of short sections, including curves and crossroads, which make it highly configurable. Should the pieces prove as popular as I expect, I will ask him to make fields, marshes, lakes and suchlike that will match the various grid sizes. You can find them here in the BigRedBatshop!
New rvers and roads are in the shop! January 17 2019
I've got a limited stock of the new terrain strips from Deep-Cut, that can be laid across mats. They are very nice- want to deploy a road or river in 5 seconds, at Chalgrove? These are your friends!
They go well with the Plains mat. I don't even need a stream at the Chalgrove tournament, but might just treat myself, anyhow. :-)
Revised TtS! Quick Reference Sheet published! January 10 2019
This is an important update to the QRS sheet. The save modifier lines have been expanded and are now very much easier to use. They include a hitherto-missing save for elephants vs. mounted. Some redundant lines have been removed. This version is a big improvement over the one in the rule book, and you can download it from here!More new bases in the shop December 15 2018
...extra ranks for your ECW foot battalia:
...and a new Foot Battalia design for the later c17th:
More army lists! November 14 2018
I've recently posted various new army lists, in the Early and High Medieval booklets and in the Oriental book. These include Eastern Frankish, Feudal French, Medieval Welsh and Warring States and Ch'in Chinese. Enjoy!Lots of new bases! September 05 2018
I've added a bunch of new base designs to the shop Many of these are for King and Parliament, others suit both sets of rules. Some of the FK&P bases give the flexibility to add extra files to units, there are also casualty bases and a new base for field artillery pieces. I've also introduced some new packs for those who want to base their cavalry one rank deep. You can find all the Batbases here:
The first For King and Parliament Army Lists are published! August 08 2018
Four lists, so far; more will follow over the coming months. You can download, for free, from here.
TtS! Ancient and Medieval rules - flash summer sale! July 11 2018
I've just put the Ancient and Medieval versions of the rules on 25%-off summer sale, so it is a great chance to pick up a hard-copy if you don't have one, or buy a copy for a friend! It's only a short sale, though, so don't delay!
New Early Arab list-- all the camels you might ever want! July 05 2018
Find it in the Cradle of Civilizations booklet! There really are a whole lot of camels. I promise. :-)Enhanced "Kingdoms of the East" booklet released! June 12 2018
This now included much extended Alexandrian Macedonian and Alexandrian Imperial lists with extensive notes written by Justin Vorhis- a great read!
Privacy Policy May 24 2018
With the imminent arrival of the GDPR, I've added my Privacy Policy to the shop.Extended Alexandrian Macedonian list May 11 2018
Chum Justin Vorhis has very kindly helped me to revise the former "Rise of Macedon" list and added extensive notes- it's well worth a read- you can find it in the "Frogs around a Pond" booklet!
For King and Parliament is in the house! March 23 2018
The new TtS! For King and Parliament rules, written by Andrew Brentnall and I, are in the BigRedBatshop! Yeay!
To The Strongest! en Français November 21 2017
Many new lists! July 26 2017
I have been steadily adding new lists, and there are now nearly 170. All the lists can be found in the Index- both in booklet order and alphabetical order (on the second tab). Enjoy!
Avars January 30 2017
A shiny new army list in "Late Antiquity"; and interesting blend of warriors and light and heavy horse.Lots of new lists! January 10 2017
Recently I've had a push at getting some new lists out but haven't publicised it much; here's a brief summary of the nine lists:-
- A Hellenistic Greek list, a Pergamene list and a Later Macedonian list in the Rise of Rome booklet
- A Pre-Feudal Scots and a Scots Isles and Highlands list in the Early Medieval booklet.
- A Feudal Scots,Communal and Papal Italian list and two Italian Condotta lists in the Late Medieval booklet.
Enjoy! Best, Simon